Affinity HB Computer Services
Useful Tips
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Here you can find some helpful tips to keep your computer healthy and happy.  Your system should be a source of joy, not a headache.  Check back often for new tips and links to helpful sites.   


Delete unnecessary "temp" files:

  1. On your screen, locate and click the Start button. From the Start menu, point to Find, then click Files or Folders.
  2. In the Find: All Files window, verify that the Look in: text box reads: (volume name) C:. If you are not sure where the files are located, click Browse, then click to select drive C. Click OK.
  3. In the Find: All Files window, in the Named: text box, type: *.tmp. Click Find Now.
  4. If any files appear in the search window, click the Edit menu, then click Select All. Press the DELETE key. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  5. In the Find: All Files window, click Close.



Empty the Recycle Bin:

  1. On your screen, double-click the Recycle Bin icon.
  2. In the Recycle Bin window, click the File menu, then click Empty Recycle Bin.



Run ScanDisk:

  1. On your screen, locate and click the Start button. From the Start menu, point to Programs, Accessories, System Tools, then click ScanDisk.
  2. In the ScanDisk window, verify that the Type of test selection is set to Standard, and that there is no check in the Automatically fix errors check box.
  3. In the ScanDisk window, click Start.
  4. If numerous errors are found, restart the ScanDisk with the Thorough Test option selected to check for surface issues on the disk.
  5. When the scan is finished it reports how many errors were found. In the ScanDisk window, click Close.
  6. Click Close.


Affinity Computer Services
For Home and Business
(781) 910-6151